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Razzie Awards 2017: Independence Day 2 e Batman V Superman candidati a peggior film dell’anno!

Ecco tutte le nomination ai Razzie Awards 2017! Zoolander 2 ottiene il maggior numero di candidature, ma Batman V Superman รจ subito dietro…

Come promesso, ecco la lista di tutte le nomination ai Razzie Awards 2017, il premio meno ambito nell’industria cinematografica. Fra i candidati come peggior film dell’anno troviamo due volti noti, Batman V Superman (con ben 8 candidature totali) e Independence Day: Rigenerazione (che spero avrete evitato grazie alla nostra recensione). Zoolander 2 invece รจ il film che ha ricevuto piรน candidature di tutti, infilando 9 nomination sparse inย quasi tutte le categorie.

Ecco la lista completa e definitiva dei candidati ai Razzie Awards 2017:

Peggior Film

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justiceย 
Dirty Grandpa
Gods of Egypt
Hillaryโ€™s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
Independence Day: Resurgenceย 
Zoolander No. 2

Peggior Attore

Ben Affleck /ย Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justiceย ย 
Gerard Butler /ย Gods of Egypt & London Has Fallen
Henry Cavill /ย Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justiceย ย 
Robertย  de Niro /ย Dirty Grandpa
Dinesh Dโ€™Souza ย /ย Hillaryโ€™s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
Ben Stiller /ย Zoolander No. 2

Peggior Attrice

Megan Fox /ย Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
Tyler Perry /ย BOO! A Medea Halloween
Julia Roberts /ย Motherโ€™s Dayย 
Becky Turner /ย Hillaryโ€™s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
Naomi Watts /ย Divergent Series: Allegiantย &ย Shut-In
Shailene Woodley /ย Divergent Series: Allegiantย 

Peggior Attrice Non Protagonistaย 

Julianne Hough /ย Dirty Grandpaย 
Kate Hudson /ย Motherโ€™s Dayย 
Aubrey Plaza /ย Dirty Grandpaย 
Jane Seymour /ย Fifty Shades of Black
Sela Ward /ย Independence Day: Resurgenceย 
Kristen Wiig /ย Zoolander No. 2

Peggior Attore Non Protagonista

Nicolas Cage / Snowden
Johnny Depp / Alice Through the Looking Glass
Will Ferrell / Zoolander No. 2
Jesse Eisenberg / Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Jared Leto / Suicide Squad
Owen Wilson / Zoolander No. 2

Ben Affleck & His BFF (Baddest Foe Forever) Henry Cavill /ย Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justiceย 
Any 2 Egyptian Gods or Mortals /ย Gods of Egypt
Johnny Depp & His Vomitously Vibrant Costume /ย Alice Through the Looking Glass
The Entire Cast of Once Respected Actors /ย Collateral Beautyย 
Tyler Perry & That Same Old Worn Out Wig /ย BOO! A Medea Halloween
Ben Stiller and His BFF (Barely Funny Friend) Owen Wilson /ย Zoolander No. 2ย 

Peggior Regista

Dinesh Dโ€™Souza and Bruce Schooley /ย Hillaryโ€™s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
Roland Emmerich /ย Independence Day: Resurgence
Tyler Perry /ย BOO! A Medea Halloweenย 
Alex Proyas /ย Gods of Egyptย 
Zack Snyder /ย Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justiceย ย 
Ben Stiller /ย Zoolanderย  No. 2

Peggior Prequel, Remake, Rip-Off o Sequel

Alice Through the Looking Glass
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: Dawn of Justiceย ย 
Fifty Shades of Black
Independence Day: Resurgence
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
Zoolander No. 2

Peggior Sceneggiatura

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justiceย ย ย 
Dirty Grandpaย 
Gods of Egypt
Hillaryโ€™s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party
Independence Day: Resurgenceย 
Suicide Squadย 

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